Family trips

Our little princess Abigail has been traveling with us since 4 months old. Stay tune for more of our family trips!

Welcome to my blog!! 欢迎到访!!

No matter how you get here, I wanna say a big THANK YOU for visiting my blog. Do come back often for more! Blessed because we're given the chance to share. Thank you for visiting! 无论你是刻意或者不刻意的来到这里,都进来坐坐、聊聊天吧。幸福不是必然的,而是懂得分享人生的喜悦。谢谢到访!

March 22, 2009


All the leaves are brownand the sky is greyI've been for a walkon a winter's dayI'd be safe and warmif I was in L.ACalifornia Dreamin'on such a winter's day...Ok, I'm having a little jetlag right now...after travelling for 28 hours back from U.S.A!! Not really in a mood to blog but I need to do something in order to make myself tired and sleepy. Been picking the window seats since flying from PG-SG-HK-SF, and then back from SF-HK-SG-PG. Due to long...

March 14, 2009

Walking the Sapa Fanxipan, Cat Cat Village

Princess Cheryl's thought of the day:- Continue blogging on my Vietnam vacation in San Jose... Weather is freezing cold and windy. Start suffering skin problem especially my face... However I'm excited over tomorrow -- shopping day!!! Fansipan or Fan Si Pan (Phan Xi Păng in Vietnamese) is a mountain in Vietnam, the highest in Indochina, at 3 143 m. It is located in the Lào Cai province in Northwest Vietnam, 9 km southwest of Sa Pa Township in the...

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37 Pageviews
Mar. 01st - Mar. 29th