Welcome to my blog!! 欢迎到访!!
No matter how you get here, I wanna say a big THANK YOU for visiting my blog. Do come back often for more! Blessed because we're given the chance to share. Thank you for visiting! 无论你是刻意或者不刻意的来到这里,都进来坐坐、聊聊天吧。幸福不是必然的,而是懂得分享人生的喜悦。谢谢到访!
September 28, 2013
台湾宝岛亲子游 - 如何选择航空航线
* Family trip。亲子游, **Taiwan 。台湾, ^ Travel 。我们爱旅行, Parenting diary, Princess Abigail, Sony TX10, Travel tips
我们的第一次台湾游是搭亚航,原因是帮全家人买机票时我还没有怀孕(订票时大概有一年多前),所以没有法子只好add on infant。结果头痛来了。。。
从槟城到台湾没有直飞,所以必须从槟城飞到吉隆坡,然后再转机到台北。要知道亚航的转机不是拍拍屁股拿个handcarry行李就行的那种,而是把所有行李都从机舱搬下,然后再check-in的那种,而且航厦里的工作人员态度又差,单单搬动行李和跑进跑出arrival/departure就要累死了,还差点给check-in counter的人气死。大热天气还没上到飞往台湾的机舱都已经满身大汗了。*累*
航厦一点都不baby-friendly,虽然说在大马找不到decent的diaper changing room是很普遍的,但是起码机场也应该花点心思maintain一下,那个房间简直就像垃圾房,而且男性的外劳janitor整天进进出出(扫地倒垃圾需要这么多人这么frequent吗??),真的很反感。虽说有隔开一个小的哺乳房,但是却不能锁的!而且他们随时会推开那扇门,而且不止一次,一点安全感都没有!Diaper changing table也很脏,感觉上好像很多很多细菌那样,所以要记得自己铺上自己带来的垃圾袋或changing mat垫底,不然bb的头不知道会不会生疮。
Infant没有special priority!要bassinet吗?单程座位一趟加RM110。
Baby food?你就想啦!
Diaper on demand?发梦时再问空姐拿。
Priority check-in/seating?上机都乱七八糟没秩序,休想地勤人员会热心帮忙你。
空姐也很不专业,即将起飞了还要我提醒她们还没给我baby seat belt!
Stroller寄机舱?是的,你可以用到上机前最后一分钟,但是请看看以下照片亚航是如何handle stroller的。。卫生指数0,而且我的stroller到达台北时已经脏兮兮了,在经过4趟来回之后,污渍都洗不起了~ 而且想想看,这么样不卫生,真的会对皮肤敏感的bb造成麻烦的。。
所以奉劝你如果带stroller搭亚航,要记得带便宜的umbrella stroller,还有自备塑胶袋把stroller套起来。*无奈*
槟城-吉隆坡 单程RM50,来回RM100
吉隆坡-台北 单程RM125,来回RM250
吉隆坡-台北Bassinet需要拿hot seat 单程RM110,来回RM220
而且我们还要分开坐,只有我一个人拿hot seat有什么意思,需要帮忙时旁边都没有人,所以我们决定不要bassinet了
槟城-香港(转机)-台北 单程RM218
高雄-香港(转机)-槟城 单程RM218
包括bassinet,baby meal,diaper,priority boarding(我们简直是VIP)
而且是multiple city,去时台北,回时高雄,可以来个双城游。
高雄-香港-槟城转机中,online check-in时本来已经没有bassinet的座位了,带着bb走到柜台通知国泰航空地勤员,他们二话不说就马上把之前auto assign的座位换掉了,把可以安置bassinet的前排座位换给我俩!
Check-in后,小妞正在享受她的机场欢乐时光 -- 看飞机起飞~
亲子游就是应该舒舒服服开开心心的,所以必要时我们真的不介意花多些钱买好的服务,那叫物有所值。亚航那趟回程才叫噩梦,飞机延迟起飞了,结果到达吉隆坡时我们来不及再次check-in行李回槟城!抱着bb跑到上气不接下气到了柜台,他们说不受理了,因为domestic flight是AirAsia,delay的是AirAsia X!看清楚哦,是有个X字的。
地勤人员:“行李是上不了飞机的了,要登机请便,如果要投诉请到AirAsia X柜台,我们这里是AirAsia的柜台,你向我投诉没用的,谢谢。”
我抱着bb跑到登机门口时向他们理论,结果还被当值的马来男性地勤人员非常大声地喊道:“If you want to board the plane you shut up, if you do not want to board you get out now!!”
September 23, 2013
Parenting: Phone apps for baby's first year
As more and more of our friends are promoted to parents, I am also kind of being promoted to become an advisor among the mommies. Midnight chats and SOS calls to help them through their bf journey and maternity rest is also a type of fun and I really enjoy lending a hand~
Furthermore there are also tips and advice for first time mommies to refer to, from pregnancy to baby's 1+ year, e.g. pregnancy diet, returning to work, and establishing baby's routine, etc...
Another series of apps that I had started using since pregnancy are What To Expect | Pregnancy & Baby and What To Expect Baby Tracker. I found this What To Expect | Pregnancy & Baby apps very helpful throughout my pregnancy, and it cleared most of my doubts week by week. For new fathers who are lazy to flip through books on pregnancy, they will like this apps as it provides concise summary on weekly basis about baby's development and changes on the mother. Understand and provide good support to the new mommy is very important, it will create a good start of family bonding before childbirth.
As for What To Expect Baby Tracker apps, there are guidelines to month-by-month development of the baby, so you may read ahead what is predicted next in his/her milestone so that you'll not be too surprised on the changes.
Another interesting feature that is available in this apps is the Feeding. This is quite useful for new mommies in the first month to monitor the baby's feeding trend. You can even time your feeding by breast! Haha~
These are my personal experience and preference, you might find a lot more similar apps and maybe you will discover other apps which are even more powerful and user friendly.
So mommies, what are you still waiting for? Grab the apps and try out today. And don't forget to share if you find new tools too!
mommy Cheryl
At this modern age where almost every mommy is going into the labour room with iPhone/Samsung in their hand, you should actually explore further on the available apps which can help you in baby's first year. Especially during your maternity rest, you will find yourself having memory shortage and very stressed out for having to remember the feeding and diaper changing frequency.
I was glad that I took some time to explore the related apps during my first week of maternity rest and discovered a few! After few days of trial, I decided to stick to this - My Baby & Me by Philips AVENT.
This apps enables you to track the following items and put into statistics and save the data.
Then you can always check back your baby's last feeding/sleeping/diaper change. Very helpful for new mommies in scheduling the sessions even if you are alone with limited support during the second month of your maternity rest.
Besides this, you can also keep track of your baby's special moments by sequence. Keeping record of your baby's milestones is very heartwarming. You may share it with your friends and family later on.
Furthermore there are also tips and advice for first time mommies to refer to, from pregnancy to baby's 1+ year, e.g. pregnancy diet, returning to work, and establishing baby's routine, etc...
Another series of apps that I had started using since pregnancy are What To Expect | Pregnancy & Baby and What To Expect Baby Tracker. I found this What To Expect | Pregnancy & Baby apps very helpful throughout my pregnancy, and it cleared most of my doubts week by week. For new fathers who are lazy to flip through books on pregnancy, they will like this apps as it provides concise summary on weekly basis about baby's development and changes on the mother. Understand and provide good support to the new mommy is very important, it will create a good start of family bonding before childbirth.
As for What To Expect Baby Tracker apps, there are guidelines to month-by-month development of the baby, so you may read ahead what is predicted next in his/her milestone so that you'll not be too surprised on the changes.
Another interesting feature that is available in this apps is the Feeding. This is quite useful for new mommies in the first month to monitor the baby's feeding trend. You can even time your feeding by breast! Haha~
These are my personal experience and preference, you might find a lot more similar apps and maybe you will discover other apps which are even more powerful and user friendly.
So mommies, what are you still waiting for? Grab the apps and try out today. And don't forget to share if you find new tools too!
mommy Cheryl
September 21, 2013
台湾宝岛亲子游 - 台湾亲子自助旅游全攻略
* Family trip。亲子游, **Taiwan 。台湾, ^ Travel 。我们爱旅行, Parenting diary, Princess Abigail, Sony TX10, Travel tips
我们这十年里的旅行都是两个人的旅行,偶尔会约一约其他家人朋友,但是90%都是两个人。很庆幸我们不仅是couple,也是很合拍的旅行伴侣哦,因为很多夫妻也未能够享受一起旅行的(兴趣和意见分歧太大),所以不管什么样的旅程我都照杀。可以说 I married my best friend! 哈哈〜
怀孕时去了趟长滩岛(Boracay Island),单单转机transit时间就有够头痛的了,从槟城飞到目的地就吃了差不多一整天时间。还好我去旅行都比较喜欢见步行步的,而且挺着肚子好多活动都不能参与了,只有份看,就试着体验另类的旅行,结果还是蛮享受的啦。
言归正传,为何会相隔两个月连续去宝岛呢?因为台湾的确是个非常baby-friendly的国家,政府还特别支持哺乳,所以顺理成章的就成为我们的target咯。结果宝岛游也成为了我的另类探索游 -- 发掘各个名胜地和捷运站的哺乳室。每到一个地方,我就会去柜台询问哺乳室在哪,以便可以预料时间舒舒服服的给小公主喂奶。
宝岛游Hit1 - 2013五月7天6夜台湾东北部行程:
Day1:槟城/吉隆坡 - 桃园机场 - 九份(九份老街、施家民宿)
Day2:九份 - 宜兰(雪山隧道、依依不舍民宿、苏澳港吃午餐、宜兰国立传统艺术中心、罗东夜市)
Day4:宜兰(兰阳博物馆)- 野柳地质公园 - 台北(璞丽商旅、西门町)
Day7:西门町 - 桃园机场 - 吉隆坡/槟城
廉价航班:Penang - Kuala Lumpur来回约RM200(大人)RM100(2岁以下小孩),Kuala Lumpur - Taipei来回约RM700(大人)RM250(2岁以下小孩)
九份:施家民宿 (http://jiufen.okgo.tw/)
宜兰:依依不舍民宿 (www.eehome.tw)
台北:西门町璞丽商旅 (www.hotel-puri.com)
Day1:槟城/香港 - 桃园机场 - 宜兰(罗东区)
Day2:宜兰 - 台北 - 高雄 - 垦丁(毫无准备之下步上了躲避苏力颱风的旅程,一路向南!)
Day4:垦丁 - 高雄 (旗津、爱河、六合夜市)
Day5:高雄机场 - 香港/槟城
Cathay Pacific Multiple City:Penang - Taipei单程,Kaohsiung - Penang单程,约RM1200(大人)RM450(2岁以下小孩)**比廉价航班更为值得!!
宜兰:罗东卡通世界民宿 (http://cartoons.elandbnb.tw/)
垦丁:民享墅民宿 (http://www.enjoy-villa.idv.tw/)
高雄:吉娃娃商旅 (http://www.gwawa.com.tw/index.asp)
桃园机场 - 台北市府转运站:大有巴士2060路线,於桃园机场第二航厦发车06:00-01:00(市府转运站04:40-23:00),每隔30分钟乙班次(单程票价台币145元,路线图http://www.airbus.com.tw/busline/airportbusdetail.php?sn=1)
台北市府转运站 - 宜兰罗东:搭乘首都客运“台北1570罗东线”由台北往罗东,於市府转运站第12.13号售票口购票(请向售票員声明到达罗东),购票后请至13号月台排队候车(往罗东一律至13号月台乘車)。首都客运於例假日期间将视乘車人潮机动调整班次,平均5-15分钟即有一班次。(首都客运台北-罗东单程票价台币120元,半票60元,路线图 http://www.capital-bus.com.tw/yilan/businfo.html)
台北 - 垦丁:台北車站搭高铁(两小時)至左營站,然后搭私人计程车到垦丁,四人一车一人约台币400元
早餐:民宿通常包早餐,而酒店通常没包早餐。一顿早餐最低限度(面食+饮料)约RM10;要省钱可以考虑到便利店扫货(7-Eleven 或 Family Mart),约RM6 可以买到面包+饮料。
1. 相机(不然就白来了)
2. 手机 + 相机充电器
3. International adapter
4. Disposable雨衣(可以在7-11或Family Mart购买),特别是在春夏时期雨量较多
5. 轻便的baby stroller,我们也带baby carrier,走夜市用baby carrier的确比较方便
6. 家里带来的纸尿片和baby wipes(以防bb屁股有过敏,若是台湾机场哺乳室供给的可以放一百个心使用)建议一天6-7片,4片带上飞机,extra4片hand carry,以应不时之需 - flight delay/luggage delay)
7. 每天出门spare多一套衣物(妈妈和bb也需要喔,若被屎尿弄脏可随时更换)
8. 奶嘴两个(肮脏了至少还有嘴spare)- 飞机起飞降落时由于气压不同,bb通常会耳痛而哭,吸奶嘴的用意其实就像大人吞口水,可以缓和气压对bb造成的不适
9. 垃圾袋(装脏尿片和脏衣服,或在公共🚽换尿片时给bb铺着比较卫生)
10. 一两样bb平时最喜欢的玩具,和一样新的玩具(可以在飞机上bb哭闹时分散她的注意力)
11. bb的冲凉必备:毛巾、沐浴乳(建议带瓶Lactacid就可以了,决不会过敏)、爽身粉、nappy rash cream、如意油、diaper change mat。。。是不是越看越多东西需要pack呢?
12. 随身携带的热水壶(一到哺乳室就可以refill)
13. Nursing ponco(很好用的,可以当妈妈的外套,天气转劣可以给宝宝暂时挡风遮雨)
14. 别忘了奶瓶和奶/奶粉!所以说直接哺乳可以省麻烦,只要带条nursing ponco就可以了
15. 钱和信用卡
16. Smart phone,以便随时可以上网查资料
17. Baby背包,把所有出门必须品统统丢进去(以后教你们如何轻便pack背包就可以出门一整天)
18. Baby snacks/finger food(有时候出门不方便或及时喂puree就以baby饼干和奶暂时当一餐)
我们的practice是纯属个人经验之谈,喂食方面有可能某些父母不能apply,我俩是蛮支持attachment parenting的,所以不要问我“不会麻烦咩?”,我会回答你“老了孩子不带你出门就是嫌你麻烦,跟你学的咯!” @.@
下一篇。。选择航线记。。stay tune
怀孕时去了趟长滩岛(Boracay Island),单单转机transit时间就有够头痛的了,从槟城飞到目的地就吃了差不多一整天时间。还好我去旅行都比较喜欢见步行步的,而且挺着肚子好多活动都不能参与了,只有份看,就试着体验另类的旅行,结果还是蛮享受的啦。
言归正传,为何会相隔两个月连续去宝岛呢?因为台湾的确是个非常baby-friendly的国家,政府还特别支持哺乳,所以顺理成章的就成为我们的target咯。结果宝岛游也成为了我的另类探索游 -- 发掘各个名胜地和捷运站的哺乳室。每到一个地方,我就会去柜台询问哺乳室在哪,以便可以预料时间舒舒服服的给小公主喂奶。
宝岛游Hit1 - 2013五月7天6夜台湾东北部行程:
Day1:槟城/吉隆坡 - 桃园机场 - 九份(九份老街、施家民宿)
Day2:九份 - 宜兰(雪山隧道、依依不舍民宿、苏澳港吃午餐、宜兰国立传统艺术中心、罗东夜市)
Day4:宜兰(兰阳博物馆)- 野柳地质公园 - 台北(璞丽商旅、西门町)
Day7:西门町 - 桃园机场 - 吉隆坡/槟城
廉价航班:Penang - Kuala Lumpur来回约RM200(大人)RM100(2岁以下小孩),Kuala Lumpur - Taipei来回约RM700(大人)RM250(2岁以下小孩)
九份:施家民宿 (http://jiufen.okgo.tw/)
宜兰:依依不舍民宿 (www.eehome.tw)
台北:西门町璞丽商旅 (www.hotel-puri.com)
台北 - 九份 - 宜兰:4天3夜包车和司机,12人刚好一辆小巴士,约RM3000
宝岛游Hit2 - 2013七月5天4夜台湾北向南部行程:Day1:槟城/香港 - 桃园机场 - 宜兰(罗东区)
Day2:宜兰 - 台北 - 高雄 - 垦丁(毫无准备之下步上了躲避苏力颱风的旅程,一路向南!)
Day4:垦丁 - 高雄 (旗津、爱河、六合夜市)
Day5:高雄机场 - 香港/槟城
Cathay Pacific Multiple City:Penang - Taipei单程,Kaohsiung - Penang单程,约RM1200(大人)RM450(2岁以下小孩)**比廉价航班更为值得!!
宜兰:罗东卡通世界民宿 (http://cartoons.elandbnb.tw/)
垦丁:民享墅民宿 (http://www.enjoy-villa.idv.tw/)
高雄:吉娃娃商旅 (http://www.gwawa.com.tw/index.asp)
桃园机场 - 台北市府转运站:大有巴士2060路线,於桃园机场第二航厦发车06:00-01:00(市府转运站04:40-23:00),每隔30分钟乙班次(单程票价台币145元,路线图http://www.airbus.com.tw/busline/airportbusdetail.php?sn=1)
台北市府转运站 - 宜兰罗东:搭乘首都客运“台北1570罗东线”由台北往罗东,於市府转运站第12.13号售票口购票(请向售票員声明到达罗东),购票后请至13号月台排队候车(往罗东一律至13号月台乘車)。首都客运於例假日期间将视乘車人潮机动调整班次,平均5-15分钟即有一班次。(首都客运台北-罗东单程票价台币120元,半票60元,路线图 http://www.capital-bus.com.tw/yilan/businfo.html)
台北 - 垦丁:台北車站搭高铁(两小時)至左營站,然后搭私人计程车到垦丁,四人一车一人约台币400元
早餐:民宿通常包早餐,而酒店通常没包早餐。一顿早餐最低限度(面食+饮料)约RM10;要省钱可以考虑到便利店扫货(7-Eleven 或 Family Mart),约RM6 可以买到面包+饮料。
1. 相机(不然就白来了)
2. 手机 + 相机充电器
3. International adapter
4. Disposable雨衣(可以在7-11或Family Mart购买),特别是在春夏时期雨量较多
5. 轻便的baby stroller,我们也带baby carrier,走夜市用baby carrier的确比较方便
6. 家里带来的纸尿片和baby wipes(以防bb屁股有过敏,若是台湾机场哺乳室供给的可以放一百个心使用)建议一天6-7片,4片带上飞机,extra4片hand carry,以应不时之需 - flight delay/luggage delay)
7. 每天出门spare多一套衣物(妈妈和bb也需要喔,若被屎尿弄脏可随时更换)
8. 奶嘴两个(肮脏了至少还有嘴spare)- 飞机起飞降落时由于气压不同,bb通常会耳痛而哭,吸奶嘴的用意其实就像大人吞口水,可以缓和气压对bb造成的不适
9. 垃圾袋(装脏尿片和脏衣服,或在公共🚽换尿片时给bb铺着比较卫生)
10. 一两样bb平时最喜欢的玩具,和一样新的玩具(可以在飞机上bb哭闹时分散她的注意力)
11. bb的冲凉必备:毛巾、沐浴乳(建议带瓶Lactacid就可以了,决不会过敏)、爽身粉、nappy rash cream、如意油、diaper change mat。。。是不是越看越多东西需要pack呢?
12. 随身携带的热水壶(一到哺乳室就可以refill)
13. Nursing ponco(很好用的,可以当妈妈的外套,天气转劣可以给宝宝暂时挡风遮雨)
14. 别忘了奶瓶和奶/奶粉!所以说直接哺乳可以省麻烦,只要带条nursing ponco就可以了
15. 钱和信用卡
16. Smart phone,以便随时可以上网查资料
17. Baby背包,把所有出门必须品统统丢进去(以后教你们如何轻便pack背包就可以出门一整天)
18. Baby snacks/finger food(有时候出门不方便或及时喂puree就以baby饼干和奶暂时当一餐)
我们的practice是纯属个人经验之谈,喂食方面有可能某些父母不能apply,我俩是蛮支持attachment parenting的,所以不要问我“不会麻烦咩?”,我会回答你“老了孩子不带你出门就是嫌你麻烦,跟你学的咯!” @.@
下一篇。。选择航线记。。stay tune
Breastfeeding: Milk boosters
After 8 months of breastfeeding, it eventually comes to a time when the supply is fluctuating (roller coaster emotion and high working pressure for an engineer mom like me). So now I am eagerly seeking for milk boosters to continue breastfeed until baby turns 1 years old.
My daily supplements still continue as normal, only that I consume more milk boosters ever since I started working - including food that I barely take if I have a choice not to -- fish and prawns! Now they have become my priority choice in the list.
Sometimes I would just pamper myself with a decent meal!
Here is a list of milk boosters for breastfeeding mothers to increase their supply.
1. Fenugreek
2. Protein drink - soya milk or ESP (Enterococcal Surface Protein)
3. Alfafa drink - make milk thicker and richer
4. Barley green drink - make milk thicker and richer
5. Brown sugar and sesame/longan soup
6. Chicken essence (home made)
7. Red bean soup boiled with a handful of black eye beans. A bowl every night before bed.8. Green papaya and fish/pork rib soup
9. Lactation tea/nursing tea
10. Pork Leg with yellow bean soup
11. Abalone - increase milk by 2 fold for 2 session
12. Durians
13. Fish - 5 most commonly low in mercury: shrimp, canned light tuna, salmon, pollock, and catfish
14. Radish
15. Oats
16. Artichokes
17. White cordyceps
18. Bottle gourd
19. Lactation cookies (ensure it consists rolled oats, brewers yeast, flax-seeds and fenugreek)
20. Japanese seaweed soup, eg wakame, kombu seaweed21. Dark yellow fruit and vegetables - carrot, tomato, unripe papaya
22. Dates/red dates tea
23. Peanuts stew pork knuckle soup
24. Beetroot
25. Asparagus
26. Black sesame
1. Spicy foods - cinnamon, onions, chili and peppers may upset an infant's stomach, causing abdominal pain, diarrhea or vomiting
2. Citrus fruits - pineapple, oranges, lemons and other citrus fruits could give the baby an upset stomach or even a rash
3. Some vegetables - cabbage, cauliflower, cucumbers and broccoli and beans may give the baby gas
4. Dairy - some babies can develop colic if you are eating too much dairy products, so avoid consuming large amounts of dairy
5. Mercury-containing fish - king mackerel, swordfish, tilefish and shark contain high levels of mercury that could be harmful to the baby
6. Caffeine - should be limited to small amounts so as to not disturb the baby's sleep pattern, causing nervousness and irritability
7. Alcohol - limit the intake and allow enough time ~2hrs for the alcohol to get out of their system before breastfeeding
8. Chocolate - contains caffeine and may make a baby gassy
9. Peanuts - babymay develop a peanut allergy but no conclusive evidence, so need monitoring
10. Saturated fats and trans-fats - saturated and trans-fats can reduce the production of omega 3s, which are critical for proper infant growth and development
11. Pesticides - many varieties of produce could have pesticides or insecticides on them, so wash them thoroughly or peel them before eating, or opt for organic produce instead
So here's my recipe:
Add 1/2 beetroot + 1 carrot + 1/2 lemon into the blender then blend till smooth.
The taste is quite sour but overall it was good.
Not sure how much it helped but my aim is to be able to maintain supply even during high tension at work, and I guess it did work the next morning.
My self made lactation juice. Focus on the juice and ignore the winery flute.
September 8, 2013
Boracay babymoon (2012) - Day 2, Water activities and D'Mall, I 'sea' food!
* On vacation 。公主游记, ** Philippines 。菲律宾, *Boracay 。长滩岛, ^ Travel 。我们爱旅行, Babymoon, My Pregnancy Diaries
Good morning Boracay! Greetings from my baby bump~
Hello mommy, what's for breakfast today??
Morning with sleepy faces...but great buffet at Willy's!
Oops... overexposure... So you know how sunny it was.
Willy's simply has thumbs up buffet breakfast~ Seriously it was worthwhile with the price I paid for the accommodation at Willy's. And a great view of the famous Willy's Rock too!.
The famous Willy's Rock
I was addicted to Longganisa after tasted the first one at the buffet breakfast.
Longganisa refers to sausages flavoured with indigenous spices, with each region having its own specialty. Filipino longganisa can also be made of chicken, beef, or even tuna. - From Wikipedia
As an outgoer who loves sea sand sun, it was the first time I was restricted to only hiding under shades and feet off from the sea...
Okay my restricted area was only on the sand under shades...
The famous Willy's Rock, that symbolizes Boracay. It is right in front of our hotel. Isn't it great?! People purposely walk all the way here to snap a picture but we just needed to walk a few steps from the hotel area across the beach. Perhaps only a 100m.
A bit disappointed on the seawater today... Not the blue that I expected...
Panaromic view
Boracay locals are experts in building sand castles. You can always find several within a stone's throw distance. However if you want to snap photo, they will run to you and trying to collect money for a photo. The tourism police always patrol along the beaches to destroy these sand sculptures to stop the locals from bugging the tourists.
Lucky to snap one from afar
At first I was reluctant to go for island hopping because it might be a long hot day out and I need to watch out my bump. Flexibility and comfort was all I needed throughout the trip. Somehow if we did not go out to enjoy the sea, it would be meaningless to come thus far to see the blue.... So hubby chartered the whole boat and off we went out to the sea! So everything was done per my preference, he enjoyed his swim snorkeling, while I enjoyed the sea breeze in the boat.
Crystal clear
Some underwater world pictures. Thanks to our Sony TX10.
Since the boat is chartered, we just spent our own sweet time for the island hopping. Erm...beach hopping actually. We went to almost all the beaches.
Local fishermen heading out for fishing
Sea cave.
Baby bump hehe~
Then we decided to stop by at Ilig Illigan Beach for a break. Ilig Iligan is a little beach, not many people here, seems like a good hideaway. There are only two small resorts, a local karaoke bar, and a
small restaurant on the beach.
San Miguel beer under the hot sun? I could only have some fruit shakes...
You can have a small seafood feast here at the restaurant by the beach.
Cock fighting is also very popular in Philippines. It's the men's favorite past time.
A small seashell museum?
Crystal clear water and a good spot for swimming and snorkeling.
Look! A sunbow~
We spent the whole morning out in the sea and spotting a few beaches around Boracay Island.
My beach boy suntanning.
More resorts spotted.
Shangri-La's Boracay Resort and Spa at Barangay, Yapak.
More resorts spotted at Diniwid Beach.
Boracay West Cove Resort. It has is the first and only organic architecture in the Philippines.
It uses non-disruptive technology in order to preserve the beauty of its environment.
After the beach hopping, finally it's time for some good food! Local delights of course. D'Mall is located at Station 2, about 10 minutes walk from our hotel at Station 1. Somehow walking along the White Beach is quite happening and you get to see a lot of hotels, restaurants and even shops, so 10 minutes is really nothing, even to an expecting mother like me.
The first restaurant that caught our attraction was Mang Inasal. Mang Inasal is a barbecue fast food restaurant chain in the Philippines specializing in grilled chicken.
Paa with rice. Paa means leg, grilled well and so easy to cut!
Dinuguan. Pork is cooked in pig’s blood. It is served with puto which is steamed rice cakes.
It tastes more like Philippine version of "pork leg vinegar".
My Boracay trip was more like a culinary trip hehe~
And we were in love with the local delicacies!!
After lunch we headed back to the hotel for some rest. Holiday should be like eat...sleep...eat...sleep...
It started to rain as soon as we reached our room. So I had a hot shower then dozed off before even had my dessert bought from Budget Mart (the only convenience store) at D'Mall.
Can you see my baby bump?
Okay, this is Willy's Beach Club Hotel overview. Facing the famous Willy's Rock.
It was evening again and I was ready for food hunting haha. Well, seemed like the nausea that I had all time before this vacation was totally gone?! I really enjoyed eating in these 5 days.
Ready to go. I had a list of "want-to-eat".
Fridays Boracay, another AAA resort.
Along the White Beach you will bump into many of this BBQ stalls. Of course we couldn't resist. For people who doesn't eat intestines, it's a waste!
OMG!! So many choices. Price range from 10-40PHP only!!
Decided to try these as snacks before going for a proper dinner - pig and chicken intestines.
Only 10PHP (~RM0.70) per stick!!
Dinner was at Mañana Mexican Cuisine. It's located at Station 1 on the way to D'Mall (Station 2). I'm a fan of Mexican cuisine and we decided to dine there as I craved for Nachos with the dips.
Totopos (125PHP). Homemade tortilla chips that comes with four types of dips to suit each ones taste.
Chicken Sizzling Plate (352PHP). More like stir-fry chicken...not so Mexican though...
Along White Beach you can actually find a lot of seafood stalls/restaurants/BBQ. The lobsters are cheap! You even get to have seafood buffet by the beach around Station 2. We did not go to D'Talipapa for seafood but we had it at one of the seafood buffet stalls at Station 2 on Day 3.
Affordable seafood buffet~
Affordable seafood buffet~
Boracay Mandarin Resort. One of the leading resorts in Station 2.
Another premier resort. Boracay Regency Beach Resort.
It has hundreds of guest rooms and 3 main pools... I guess I'm gonna stay here the next visit.
The cafe exterior.
The cafe interior.
Ice lemonade and lemon cheese cake.
Happy babymoon~
Good night baby!
On our way back to hotel, we saw the locals selling Balot and some deep fried pork skin.
Have you ever tried Balot? You may have a closer look of it in my previous post in Siem Reap. I still think it's way too disgusting and even hubby couldn't accept it...
Pork skin is a YES but Balot is definitely a NO NO!
(...to be continued)