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July 14, 2006

Princess' 23rd birthday

Princess Cheryl turns 23 on 7-eleven!!

Cutting my strawberry birthday cake at 12.00am

Birthday dinner at Marché

Marché (pronounced as 'Mar shay') in French, means Market. Ooo...I had my birthday dinner in a market??!! It's an outlet of the Swiss Möven Peak group. Well... it's a wonderful dinner I can say. I just love the environment!!! I think I'll get what I wanted all the time...just the matter of time. I missed the opportunity to dine in Marché when I was on X-mas vacation in Hong Kong last year -- The Peak Tower was under renovation!!! I thought I could spend a cold winter night having heavy buffet in the highest restaurant in Hong Kong... So disappointed cuz I've been searching for great dining places before I went there. But I finally get my 'compensation' on my birthday... Heheheh... Customers are not allowed to take photos inside but...exception for a birthday Princess =(*v*)=

The environment is simply remarkable

Fresh deep sea oysters... first come first serve (we grabbed around 16 I think)

I just couldn't have enough of the chewy grilled mussels!! I actually ate 12...


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