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June 29, 2008

Fried eggs to predict your luck??!

Sounds ridiculous huh? But I read this in a book during last weekend. According to the author, this prediction method is originated from the olden days in Europe. It is actually a very simple step to predict one's daily luck by analyzing on the shape of the fried egg. Why fried egg? Maybe the Europeans used to eat toast bread, sausages and fried egg for breakfast...

Well, you can also do your own prediction in the morning, all you need to do is open the refrigerator, get an egg, heat your frying pan and fry it!

So how does the analysis go? Read this:

(1) Egg yolk at the center -- Congratulations! You have good luck, good health and a very active and motivational day! Keep it up.

(2) Egg yolk at the lower side -- You might be lucky today but watch out for relation conflict.

(3) Egg yolk at the upper side -- Today is a bit messy, and you need to watch out for your health; and if the egg white has a lot of bubbles too, you may face failure in what you are going to do today.

(4) Egg yolk on the right -- Challenges awaiting! But you may face some sudden obstacles; if some part of the egg yolk is burnt, watch out for injury.

(5) Egg yolk on the left -- Today your mental and health luck is not very good, you may feel depressed. But tomorrow will be another great day!

(6) Egg white is out of shape and full of bubbles -- Today you face obstacles in everything you do, so avoid doing too many things at one time. Concentrate on just one thing will do, but you might get a little help from somebody, and things might go well too..

See? It's just so simple. You can do that when preparing for your breakfast. Believe it or not? Somehow I will try it tomorrow... Eggss...I juz lurve it!~ There's so much more other than just protein.

And can anybody tell me where to get this heart-shape egg rings??! It's just toooo adorable!!


Thanks for sharing this. I admit it is very interesting :-) A RM2 shop should sell that heart shape thingie btw

Oh really? Thanks for telling.

Just get the same shape for cakes and doughs and use on the eggs la!! :P

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