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January 12, 2010

Blabbing . travelling . working

My next aim -- Taj Mahal. I know we all dreamed to go there. I trust my team mates, we will go there alright!

The Mausoleum of the Taj Mahal (Wikipedia)

15 more days to decide if we make it through for this year. Oh... I hope I'm already saying "See you in Agra!", just like I said "See you in Siem Reap!" and "See you in Marrakech!" last year.

Time flies. When I told mom the competition is up again in few weeks' time, she was a bit shocked... "Wow!! What a dynamic year had passed." she said to me. Though I have tighter budget for travelling this year, but I always fight seriously for the rewarding trips besides working. Wish me luck again for this year.


Now I really really gotta spend more time to complete the previous travelogs before another journey. Had come back from Vietnam since Feb'09 yet I have not completed the posts on Hanoi and Halong Bay... Looks like I will need to increase my blogging speed.


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