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No matter how you get here, I wanna say a big THANK YOU for visiting my blog. Do come back often for more! Blessed because we're given the chance to share. Thank you for visiting! 无论你是刻意或者不刻意的来到这里,都进来坐坐、聊聊天吧。幸福不是必然的,而是懂得分享人生的喜悦。谢谢到访!

October 18, 2010

Diaries of the Maid of Honor (18-Oct-10)

Chapter 10 - The dresses!

Aren't they lovely... Sis' and mine (and also KM and MT). =)
3 more weeks to go. Next week is hen's night. Still so much to be talked about. Love you girls! *Hearts*


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