Family trips

Our little princess Abigail has been traveling with us since 4 months old. Stay tune for more of our family trips!

Welcome to my blog!! 欢迎到访!!

No matter how you get here, I wanna say a big THANK YOU for visiting my blog. Do come back often for more! Blessed because we're given the chance to share. Thank you for visiting! 无论你是刻意或者不刻意的来到这里,都进来坐坐、聊聊天吧。幸福不是必然的,而是懂得分享人生的喜悦。谢谢到访!

February 25, 2011

我的孤单北半球 - prologue

即将启程 孤单的北半球 一个人十万八千里之外的公干+旅行 每天以晚安的问候送我吃早餐 还有三餐都是汉堡、薯条、起司的半个月 我会想念 在这里温热的一切 现在 又懒 又期待 复杂的心情 很快 又要飞过地平线 到世界的另一个角落 应验自我价值 然后 烙下脚印 寻找两年前的回忆 但愿 这次 我有机会 感觉到雪 还有 可以每晚睡前记载 当天的点点滴滴 喜欢创出浪迹天涯的感觉 就是可以边走边写 至少 还有单眼相...

February 20, 2011

War Museum Penang: memory lane back to World War II

When I was still a teen, some friends told me that the fortress up at Batu Maung Hill is haunted. And some of them ran into Japanese marching ghosts when they explored the fortress at night. !!! o.0 !!! Years later, the government turned this historical fortress into a museum - War Museum. The tragedy of the World War II is vividly depicted in the relics. This fortress was constructed by the British in anticipation of an amphibious...

February 15, 2011

The Princess Wedding Diaries - 14th Feb 2011

First page of wedding diaries... keeping track of the "royal wedding" as time goes by.... We signed up our wedding package with Aspial Wedding. It was all by a quirk of fate, without doing any comparison with any other bridal galleries, we paid for the package, exactly 1 week after the proposal. There are things that you cannot judge by $$$, that's the right feeling of doing something, especially when it's something related to artistic. That's me! If the feeling is right, and you're afford to pay, that's God's grace to save your energy and time...

February 11, 2011


新年期间读了本书 据两性专家说 女人视为威胁性最高的三种女人: (1)很美丽的女人 (2)温婉高雅的女人 (3)活泼大方的女人 也是最为容易受女人排斥的女人 如果你三个都“中” 或者又是 三个“中”次奖 算是上天赐给你的美丽诅咒吗? 平时 “靓女、靓女”称呼 背后形容到你变 变形金刚 嘿! 美貌和智慧拉不上关系的吗? 难怪 会有 物以类聚 台上一分钟 台下十年功 气质 是自己修回来的 女人 ...

February 5, 2011

Happy Bunny Year 2011

My make over for day 1 of CNY. For memory as I seldom appear in make-up. Happy New Year everyo...

February 2, 2011

Hong Kong: THE PEAK, way up to the luxurious hill

I personally think that going up to THE PEAK is an excitement that you should try if you're travelling to Hong Kong. The venerable Peak Tram is, as most passengers agree, the only way to truly experience the beauty of Hong Kong's natural wonders. Tens of millions of people from every corner of the globe have taken the ride, which affords a uniquely spectacular perspective of the city. Located also at the Garden Road Peak Tram Lower Terminus is...

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