Family trips

Our little princess Abigail has been traveling with us since 4 months old. Stay tune for more of our family trips!

Welcome to my blog!! 欢迎到访!!

No matter how you get here, I wanna say a big THANK YOU for visiting my blog. Do come back often for more! Blessed because we're given the chance to share. Thank you for visiting! 无论你是刻意或者不刻意的来到这里,都进来坐坐、聊聊天吧。幸福不是必然的,而是懂得分享人生的喜悦。谢谢到访!

December 6, 2012



Blessed with an angel... the 7th Month

The seventh month... Celebrations of love. A lot of friends tied the knot. :) So you get to enjoy a lot of good food and continue growing... ...

Blessed with an angel... the 6th Month

The sixth month... Celebrating our 1st wedding anniversary with little princess. We see you! Look like papa or mommy? ...

Blessed with an angel... the 5th Month

The fifth month... Ooo.. Look at my growing belly. ...

Blessed with an angel... the 4th Month

The forth month... A little shopping spree for baby clothes. ...

Blessed with an angel... the 3rd Month

The third month... We brought you to Boracay for a holiday! Celebrating mommy's birthday, our anniversary and babymoon. ...

Blessed with an angel... the 2nd Month

Second month... I only get to realized that you accompanied mommy running around in Korea on the last day. ;) So you did enjoyed a lot of kimchi, ginseng, bulgogi and coffee!! ...

Blessed with an angel... the 1st Month

The very first month before we knew her existence. ...

October 20, 2012

Counting down to the final trimester

Mommy with chubby face. ...

September 5, 2012

Pregnancy cravings... Hakka "Lui Cha"

I think my baby loves mint and basil. That's why I crave for 'lui cha' every time when we go back to Ipoh. It's kind of hard to find in Penang... These 3 are among my favorites in Ipoh: 1. JERAM CHAI LUI CHA  Business hour: 9am – after lunch; Closed on Saturdays Address: 17 Psrn Greentown 7 Greentown Business Center 2. LUI CHA STALL  Business hour: 10am -2.30pm; Closed on Mondays & the 15th day (lunar calendar) Address: Big...

August 26, 2012

Boracay babymoon (2012) - Next chapter... baby!

I have been missing from my blog and FB for months... probably because my little baby doesn't like blogging at all. The first 3 months was a nightmare, the nausea and vomiting... duh. Now that it's growing to 20 weeks old, things have been getting better and I finally can enjoy eating.At my 14 weeks, we went on a babymoon in Boracay! A very relaxing getaway to cure my sickness during the first trimester. That was also our first ROM anniversary....

May 23, 2012

Spellbound 오싹한 연애 (Chilling Romance)

A movie that made me shed tears in the plane back from Seoul.  It is about a magician who falls in love with a woman who can see ghosts. It's unique and fresh, with a lot of surprises. A romantic comedy that rarely attracts more than 3,000,000 viewers!  Again... a melodrama starring Son Ye-jin, my listed top 5 Korean actress! She's such a versatile actress, not afraid to cast off her nice girl image in her acting. That bagged her...

May 15, 2012

Project Minimo: Samcheongdong, Seoul

Nice building shared between The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf + Repetto Location: Samcheongdong, Seoul Project Minimo – Lomo shots with my Minimo-x. Whenever, wherever....

May 14, 2012

Seoul, Soul of my Asia

I'm back to reality. Seoul is always my favorite place in the globe, because it means so much to me. It is the place where I got some certificates from the local uni (Yonsei, Hanyang & PaiChai) 9 years back, and also the place where our love bloomed in the autumn that year. ...

May 4, 2012

Next destination... Seoul! 서울! 가요~

One mission that I set for this trip (besides the main business visit)... ...visit the Goong Bears at N Seoul Tower!!...

April 27, 2012

Project Minimo: Colors

Our new office. Colorful! Location: Philips Lumileds, P2 Project Minimo – Lomo shots with my Minimo-x. Whenever, wherev...

April 26, 2012

Project Minimo: Shishamo

Shishamo. My favorite order at Sushi King. Location: Sushi King, E-gate Project Minimo – Lomo shots with my Minimo-x. Whenever, wherev...

April 25, 2012

爱在阳光灿烂的天堂 。马尔代夫 - 后记

好不容易终于完成了马尔代夫的游记。 这是续柬埔寨暹粒市和英国伦敦之后能够完成的旅程日记。 恰在即将开始的另一段旅程之前,所以真的很满意...

Our Honeymoon in Maldives 爱在阳光灿烂的天堂 。马尔代夫 - Part 10 第十章, Time to say goodbye~ 再见马尔代夫~

   I couldn't believe time passed by so quickly. It finally came to the end of our remarkable holiday. All the memories that flashed from the moment we boarded the plane and amazed by the astonishing view of the "heaven on earth". 真无法相信时间飞逝。终于到了我们悠闲假期的尾声。 从搭上飞机的那时刻,到亲眼目睹“人间天堂”的景象。一切一切尽在不言中。...

Project Minimo: Yum-zou-cha

Yum-zou-cha means enjoy morning tea while having dim sum in Cantonese.  Location: Foh San Dim Sum Project Minimo – Lomo shots with my Minimo-x. Whenever, wherev...

April 24, 2012

Project Minimo: Twilight

Twilight. A glimpse of light brushing across the sky when I left office yesterday. It's gonna be a beautiful night. Location: Bayan Lepas, Penang Project Minimo – Lomo shots with my Minimo-x. Whenever, whereve...

April 22, 2012

Project Minimo: Strawberry weekend!

Just another weekend, chilling out with friends in Cameron Highlands.. Location: Green View Garden Project Minimo – Lomo shots with my Minimo-x. Whenever, wherever . ...

April 15, 2012

Our Honeymoon in Maldives 爱在阳光灿烂的天堂 。马尔代夫 - Part 9 第九章, It's a global village after all! 我们就在地球村!

Pieces of memories and friends that we made. I love Maldives!! 段段记忆和友谊。我爱马尔代夫! Sometimes a picture says a thousand words, thus in these few final posts of mine, I choose to post more photos. But too bad our friends in China cannot log on to Facebook, even Blogger, so I could only e-mail to them. 有时候照片比文字述说得更贴切,所以这最后的几篇我选择用照片讲故事。可惜的事,在中国的哥儿们都上不到面子书,博客也进不到,所以只好e-猫给他们了。 Nepal. 尼泊尔 ...

April 3, 2012

March 23, 2012

Our Honeymoon in Maldives 爱在阳光灿烂的天堂 。马尔代夫 - Part 7 第七章, Bits after sunset at Chaaya Lagoon Hakuraa Huraa 黄昏后的查雅珊瑚礁

Sunset is perfect with liquor! Especially when it's on the house. =) I've lost count of how many glasses since yesterday... 有酒精陪伴的黄昏真棒! 特别是免费的。 已经忘了这是第几杯。。。从昨天算起。。 And I super love our water bungalow. There's always not long enough time to dip in the crystal clear water. 还有我爱死了我们的水楼。 好像浸泡在晶莹剔透的海水里的时间怎么都不够。 ...

March 19, 2012

A weekend escape to Cameron Highlands - Strawberry Park Resort & Boh Tea Plantation

Just another cozy weekend spent during our honeymoon vacation after coming back from Maldives. We really fully utilized our holiday. =) One of the best thing to do in such cozy weather.... slurping strawberry ice-cream. ...

February 24, 2012

Our Honeymoon in Maldives 爱在阳光灿烂的天堂 。马尔代夫 - Part 6 第六章, Chaaya Lagoon Hakuraa Huraa - Out to the sea! I love water! 出海咯!玩水咯!

We are definitely not morning persons. Normally I missed watching sunrise wherever we go. But by coincident, our room #108 is just the right spot for spectacular sunrise... (I rather see sunset...) I was waken up by the sunlight shining all the way onto our bed! 囧 In fact, the sunrise should not be considered sunrise anymore... looked like already risen half an hour ago. It was only 5am!! 我们不是观赏日出爱好者。。偏偏房间#108的阳台就是欣赏日出的好地方。。。(怎么不是日落...

February 14, 2012

LOVE! Tasmania campaign - ready to win a 8D6N trip!

I've submitted my entry. What about you? What you need to do? In 100 words or less Express Your Love for what you love in life The prizes? Winners announced on 29th February 2012.  There will be four sets of winners – one each from Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong and ChinaFrom 13th to 20th March 2012 the winners will travel to Tasmania on an overnight flight on 13th March and then enjoy 6 glorious nights in Tasmania.Other...

February 6, 2012

January 15, 2012

Missing California

Spring is here... And I miss California so... Some great memories back last year. The Lonely Cypress, 17 Mile Drive. Cannery Row, Monterey. And Robert Mondavi Winery, Napa Valley...

January 3, 2012

谢谢你们 爱我的每个人

痛 在眼中变成泪 在心中变成灰没有什么能安慰 怕被时间变成累被想象变成悲希望都被粉碎 不安有时会崩溃 有时会怨慰好像怎么对待都不对 看的出你隐藏多少的疲惫却还是坚持着爱不断加倍让我感动也让我愧对 谢谢你们 爱我的每个人在我的人生最像一场噩梦的旅程陪我挣脱 勇敢地去醒来当我的护卫 为我祷告心灵更强韧谢谢你们 爱我的每个人让我努力后可以谢谢自己很坦诚会想不通 或绝望到躲开但你们做的 总让我想坚强负责任为了爱重生 心 摆脱夜的黑 往蓝天而飞被阳光包围只为了 你一句我笑得好美我忍住了 太漫长的泪 看的出你隐藏多少的疲惫却还是坚持着爱不断加倍让我感动也让我愧对 谢谢你们 爱我的每个人在我的人生最像一场噩梦的旅程陪我挣脱 勇敢地去醒来当我的护卫 为我祷告心灵更强韧谢谢你们 爱我的每个人让我努力后可以谢谢自己很坦诚会想不通 或绝望到躲开但你们做的 总让我想坚强负责任为了爱重生 ...谢谢你们...♥+♥... 3.1.201...

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