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September 30, 2008

Packing luggage for tomorrow's trip!

Princess Cheryl's thought of the day:- Fine...18 more hours then I'll be flying off to Phuket! It's been raining nonstop since yesterday, I'm so worried that we cannot make it for the sea canoe trip... =(

My Phuket trip preparation until this moment...

~beautify my nails with colours~

~glittery pink for a summer feel!~

~skin care & sunscreen~

~masks for after suncare~

~SPF50 cinnamate-free sunblock~

~Watson's after sun lotion~

~facial mist for skin hydration~

~picking outfits~

~which hat should I bring??~

~...and my shades...which one to bring??!~

But I haven't pack my luggage yet! Gosh...must really go home earlier today for packing and changing Thai Baht.


I love your nails! PRETTY!

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