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September 24, 2008

Weight loss through eating habits

Counting down on another 7 days before my vacation...so what's the progress of my 2-inch reduction work out?! Yea I've been reading tonnes of articles about calories, weight loss, and eating habits... And I found this. I think it's no harm to follow some really good eating habits for weight loss without having to starve myself.

"The following dining tips are simple and can work for anyone on any diet to drop pounds. "...I hope so, but still I'm following it now....and I feel good about it.

  1. Hunger Erases Food Sanity
    Don't wait until you feel ravenous before sitting down to enjoy a meal. Otherwise, you might mirror the pretty lady who sucked the french fry through her lips.
  2. Take Time to Dine
    Take time to savor the meal before diving in. Take in the colors, the textures, the smell and the atmosphere. And once those utensils meet with the hands, take time to eat slowly.
  3. Salt, Sugar, Butter & Dressings
    Before grabbing the salt shaker and shaking it over the food take time to taste it first. Use the same technique for foods that are complimented by sugar, butter and dressings.
  4. Taking Bites Down to Size
    By simply pausing to cut the food into smaller and/or manageable bites, digestion is made easier, the meal takes longer to complete, and the food is more satisfying. When there are foods such as English peas on the table, rather than grabbing an overloaded spoonful, try eating just a few at a time - and enjoy them before swallowing.
  5. Chew-Chew
    Rather than chewing bite-sized food for a second or two, then swallowing - take time to chew food thoroughly. Our bodies naturally require chewing time which is one reason why liquid diets fail.
  6. Dine in Peace
    Flip off the tube and/or video games as individuals tend to eat more when their thoughts become preoccupied. When dining, it's time to keep the focus where it belongs - on the meal.
  7. Soup & Salad
    When dining out, enjoy a side salad with light dressing or a cup of broth-based soup. A soup or salad before mealtime will help curb appetite. And you'll end up eating far less fat and calories that are packed into the freebies - such as the innocent looking bread and chip baskets.
  8. The Water Trough
    Try opting for clear cool water to enjoy with meals rather than sweet tea, sweet sodas or sweet juices. The common serving size for beverages is about 8 ounces which equals a cup. Most individuals end up drinking 3-4 times that amount over the coarse of a meal which adds up to several hundred calories for just the beverage. Rarely do glasses equal one cup.
  9. Desserts for Waist-Watchers
    Desserts served in restaurants tend to be on the gigantic size. If you opt for dessert, request a couple of plates and forks and share with someone at your table. Or, request a to-go box and enjoy later.

Alright there's more to talk about....such as combinations of food that will strangle our diet plan to death~ Huh...so much more that I just realized... sh*t! I just swallowed a whole box of POPCORN last night when watching Nuffnang's free premiere screening - Mamma Mia!!!


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