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December 11, 2008

I'm relieved...for at least 2 weeks

The QIC pre-local final is over!!! YES~YES~YES~


I was having nightmare yesterday night mainly because I read through all the slides for one last time before I went to bed. And the whole night I could see pareto charts, fish bone diagrams, Gantt chart, process map, machines…. terrible!! I nearly forget to wake up this morning....

Although our team got the overall positive feedbacks from the judges, I still think that my presentation sucks. All because of the slide show was not the latest version which I've amended last night, something missing there...so I was a little messy to do the twist and turn on the spot. Haiz…but I just couldn't understand why the judges did not notice that...hehehee...

Now that that our faces are everywhere in the walkway, I can see me welcoming myself every morning when I clock in. Being a 'celebrity' for the very first time, I can start to imagine how's the feeling of seeing our own posters down the street. By the way, can you spot me?


...and two.

Counting down to another 1 month before the real QIC local finals, then off we go to Siam Reap for the Regional Semi-finals!! ...but...can I win?


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