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December 4, 2008

Little surprises

Today I get to know a people's manager from the sentimental side... Never thought that he's that artistic and poetic type of guy, especially when everytime I need to explain things in a logical way to get his agreement and signature for approval.. I was like "WOW" when he told me that he had written 4 books during his schooling days!! But when I asked him whether I have the chance to read any of those, he said, "Learn Dutch first." Can't imagine....HE IS AN AUTHOR??!!

I always have the respect for him, since the day he came to my company. He reminds me a lot of my lecturer, because both of them are Dutch. I'm not good in Dutch, so I'd better brush up my Deutsch a little more since I've been stopping practising Deutsch since I left uni. Just now he sent me a poem in English, which he wrote more than a decade ago. Simple words, but deep thoughts. Yea, that's my type of idol. I always admire people like Jules Verne....but when only I get the chance to read his masterpiece... He wrote a children's detective, I liked detective series so much when I was a kid.

See you

I feel that time
is on my heels
the way it feels
the way I live
is really wrong.
Don't come along
and please forgive.
I'm not the one
able to give
what you deserve
and I know why
So please don't cry
when I'm gone


Some thoughts he shared...
"Funny thing about poetry : as a writer you transform into a situation and from this situation you can write."
Maybe it's time for me to start writing my first book. Who said engineers only know how to write technical report?! I can write poem too...but definitely not in Dutch lor. Goede nacht!


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