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February 2, 2010

Maid of honor 2010

My sister Michelle is getting married in Nov'10! She's definitely one of the most important people in my life; a friendship that lasts for more than a decade is not easy, especially when we only get to meet up once in a blue moon due to distance limitation. Thank you for inviting me as your Maid of Honor, I am more than grateful to be able to walk down the aisle in the church at your wedding.

Sisters hanging out together... that was 4 years back.

To my surprise, she sent me a gift. It's a tailor made baby-T from U.S. I love it! Thanks sis~ Now I couldn't wait to see all of the bride's entourages dressed up in Valerie Fan's design masterpiece. :P

maid of honor 1

maid of honor 2

maid of honor 3

maid of honor 4


tat is so cute!!
congratulations to ur sis

cute t-shirt.. all the bridesmaids will be having one? what about the grooms men ;)

lechua: Only the maid of honor gets it. Heehee... special gift from my best sis.

very cute t-shirt... simple & elegant. my best wishes to your sis.. beauty runs in the family :)

Isn't it lovely? Thank you all for your wishes. We'll show you more, stay tune!

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