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February 13, 2010

Valentine gift part II -- 10-20mm F4-5.6 EX DC lens

My Valentine pressie part II. He knows my style, I love taking scenery photos, thus I need a wide angle lens. Last week stock was out for the wide angle lens, so he ordered one. Finally I got it this morning!


So baby, here are the trial snapshots after I picked up the lens from Alex just now. At least you can see it from Ipoh..hehe. It's quite heavy (better grip with the weight) and I bet you love holding it (guys usually prefer more bulky DSLR). Was quite shaky in the car along the coastal highway back home but the photos were great!






Just in time for our Bali scenery shots next month. And I'm pretty sure my Hong Kong skyline pictures will be great in April too!


u lucky gal... what a perfect gift to accompany ur new camera! looking forward to more shots!

Yes lechua! Somehow I need more time to brush up the skills first. =) Am still a beginner. Looking forward for more posts from you too!

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