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September 17, 2010

Diaries of the Maid of Honor (17-Sep-10)

Shared by aunt Joyce: Isn't it funny how we can be more worried about what other people think of us than what God thinks of us?

When a Hen's nite turns out to be a Bride-to-be party!

Ah Liang always described us as the sun and the moon, because we're very much different in many aspects, but one cannot live without the sun nor the moon, just like us. He's right too, because the frequency of our gathering is like eclipse, once in a blue moon, but it will happen.

I'm really happy when I received the great news about KM and MT! Kinda dramatic =P but it's ever after~ Now looking forward to the hen's night next month. Thanks for the time and company through the weekend, thanks for answering my prayer, and thanks for being there as a sis.

We're grown up a lot since a decade ago together, and I thank God that we've never change in faith. Always remember, we hold on to the virtues because those are what that made us one in a million. Everybody loves you girl! I'm pretty sure about it. *hearts*

Now it's your turn to be busy with my stuffs...and you've already begun. Vintage style...marvelous. KM and MT sure must like it too. Yesterday I flipped through mom and dad's wedding photos, and yes I realized that I really love the lace!!

Now guess what, I've fixed the dates for selecting gown and photoshooting.
13-Feb: Gown selection
5-Mar: Pre-wed shooting

At least when dates are fixed, many things can be finalized per schedule. So as the theme. Not to be overwhelmed yet. =)

P.s. Maybe we should find a day to do the cooking together again... like last time eh?


Bravo little Sis! I can't wait to see my little bride dressing up in most vintage look :)

Hi Cheryl! You can try looking for vintage wedding pieces on Etsy. There are a lot of vintage and handmade goods on that site. Good luck on your preparation. =)

Mich: I might not just go for 清一色lace. You know me... Btw, there'll be rehearsal for church wedding, update me the schedule ya sis.

MT: Thanks for the suggestion. Good luck in yours too. =) Can't wait to meet up with you girls!

Yup Yup. It will be on Friday. Will let you know the time. Come for rehearsal if you can make it! :)

Mich: Let me know when. =)

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