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No matter how you get here, I wanna say a big THANK YOU for visiting my blog. Do come back often for more! Blessed because we're given the chance to share. Thank you for visiting! 无论你是刻意或者不刻意的来到这里,都进来坐坐、聊聊天吧。幸福不是必然的,而是懂得分享人生的喜悦。谢谢到访!

September 7, 2010

The Princess Wedding Diaries - in transition 。公主嫁到 - 迁移篇

Finally in July 2010 I'm engaged and now it's time for me to start a new chapter in my Princess Diaries. My best friend Michelle (or Michelle Anne) honored me with the invitation to be her Maid Of Honor in this Nov, so I kept a series of MOH diaries. By then, I told myself that I'm gonna start my own series of Wedding diaries after completed my task as her MOH. Counting down to another 2 months, I'll be walking down the aisle with joyous blessings to her as a bride-to-be, and I can't wait to be there for her bridal shower! *hearts*

So now it's a transition period from MOH to a bride-to-be, and she's even more excited than myself does. =) What a sister. Lately we're discussing about topics of wedding, and it's funny when we discovered some bride-to-be suddenly behave so awkwardly after announcing their engagement. Some started to become too envious and proud of themselves being a bride. What matters is you are happy with your own wedding preparation, style, ideas, comfy ways... Quite sad to see these people comparing, suspicious about the wedding stuffs or sometimes burst the entire lifestyle. We term these people - Bridezillas. =P Good one!

I'm impressed by Vintage gowns, like Vera Wang's...oooo... I love organza, lace, sequins and details in the fabric. Been searching for Vintage designs and hoping to find one in Aspial later on. To be realistic, tailor made white gown is not in my list, my budget varies from Mich's as the whole wedding thingy is different. I have to spare $$ for Maldives (bloody expensive, I wish I'm earning USD). But it's ok, I love DIY stuffs, add more soul to the item when it's full of love. Gonna handmade my reception stuffs. Wanna create a WOW effect to the attendees because I'm bored of conventional wedding dinner...

Now... teasers to my favorite Vintage gown designs (photos from various sources, only for illustration purpose)!

Or maybe a funky rock n roll wedding! Rockers in da house!

Till then. Thanks for reading.


Glad to hear that.....
wish u stay pretty and happy always....^^
Maldives will be ur honeymoon place??

=) Plan is like that lar. Wanna just relax without much road trip during honeymoon. Especially after the tiring events.

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