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May 21, 2011

Taiwan Bull 台湾公牛 Queensbay Mall

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This is one of the restaurants that I used to dine in at Queensbay Mall. First review on it but not the first visit though. First visit - being attracted by the name - Taiwan Bull, sounds cute. Then found the beef noodle not bad, but some people find the soup a bit sour, but I still like it. Then the Stone Rice is also a good choice. Other than these two I'm not that interested in the other choices, same as for the beverages.

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This round I tried the Mango Frozie, but it's only so so... maybe because I compare it against the mango expert Hui Lau Shan.

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Detox tea. 洛神花茶.

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Milk tea with pearl.

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There was a promotion from Ezivoucher of More than just BEEF! 53% off 6 types of signature Taiwanese Noodles & Rice selection at only RM5.80 @ Taiwan Bull (Queensbay Mall). So I bought the vouchers and tried out these...

Crispy Pork Noodle Soup. I think the taste will be much better if the pork fillet is separated but not dipped in the soup.

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Crispy Chicken Egg Rice. This one not bad too.

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Fish Fillet Curry Rice. Curry is mild and not the spicy type. It's more like Japanese curry.

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Ta daaa~~ My favorite order! Beef noodle.

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And Beef Kushiyaki Stone Rice! Love this the most.

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My Rank: 3/5 (still prefers the beef noodle and stone rice as usual)

LG - 45 & 46, Queensbay Mall,
Persiaran Bayan Indah,
Bayan Lepas, 11900 Penang, Malaysia.

Tel: 604-6440090

Business hour: 10 am -10.00 pm

Website: http://www.taiwanbull.com/
E- mail: twbull@hotmail.com


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