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July 24, 2008

A place that warms my heart

Just finished reading the new post from Nicolekiss. Same as Nicole, I am fond of Winter Warmers. This place had been my favourite since its first opening back in 1999 or 2000 if I am not mistaken. The first shop was located in Prangin Mall and then the second in Gurney. I miss the first shop very much because I never had tasted any cheesebake that is more delicious....but it is no longer there, instead we can find Winter Warmers in KL now!

Winter Warmers at Gurney Place

I've tasted improvement in their recipe, from mild to thick cheesy bolognese cheese bake today. It is the place where I spent the whole afternoon with my beloved sis Mich, sipping on every drop of our favourite Rose Latte and english tea. Many memories tied me to this place, and finally I can understand the meaning of "warmers". Yes, I always feel warm and loved dining in Winter Warmers, especially at night.


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