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July 11, 2008

Can you guess where this is??

When I was busy compiling my report yesterday, I received this email from one of my friends... "Hey! Guess where this place is!"

So I clicked on it and scrolled down to glance through the photos. Oh, those are very nice photos of a company I guessed! Because 2 weeks before I actually received another attachment on "Google office Zurich". If you've never had an idea of how luxurious or cozy a work place could be, then take a look at this...

Cozy old English style interior...

A nicely decorated eggshell cubicle...

Hanging on a hammock while doing work...

Another special design of cubicle...

Physical and mental relaxation...

Even discussion can be so relaxing...

And you don't have to book a Karaoke room for after work entertainment...

And snooker table is ready anytime for stress release...

You can get a good massage when tired...

And the canteen...can you find this in your company??!!

Google! What a place...

So now...can you guess where this place is?

Now, what is your answer?



Unbelievable isn't it??

If you're a jobless homeless dude in Austria, would you consider to be a prisoner?


Wow... Its 1000 times better than the place I am currently staying in...

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