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July 29, 2008

The tallest skyscraper in the world ~ Burj Dubai

One thing I love about architecture - man build wonders! Even the "old-eight-tonne" geographic of Shanghai can support so many highrise buildings such as JIN MAO TOWER.

Have you ever try to imagine to imagine yourself standing at the top floor of a building over 600 meters high? JIN MAO TOWER is already 421 meters high!

And that you need to look for a lift button up to 3 digits? It's nearly 200....

And that when you reach the 110th floor, you have stepped under your feet the largest number of floors in any building in the world! *puzzled*

Let me present you BURJ DUBAI, the world's tallest skyscrapper today!

In time to come, you will see buildings in the clouds....is this call HEAVEN? Well, this is part of the Burj Dubai Downtown layout. So if you think that you are hopeless to squeeze into the gates of heaven, migrate and stay in Dubai.

And here's the bird's eye view of the whole town layout. Amazingly COOL!

Dubai claimed that it is going to have the largest number of supertalls with 7 under developement and 5 new towers will be announced with over 100 storeys.

Find out more about this man-built wonder here. I recommend you to read an interesting interview with the creator of Burj Dubai, Adrian Smith, on Khaleej Times.

But before that just take another look at this great BURJ.... This picture is taken from the upper most Girders.... Look at the edge (uppermost right corner) of the picture, you can almost see the turn of the earth. So if you are working on construction of this amazing skyscraper, you can actually see the "ROTATION OF EARTH"!

So terrifying.... Are your legs shaky right now?


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